Christians will tell you that Jesus is the reason for the season. His birthday is a time for us to celebrate and we do that by spending time with loved ones and exchanging gifts. While the secular world has attempted to saturated us with commercialism, there are many of us who understand that Jesus is the focal point of this beloved and festive holiday. A powerful picture of Santa Claus praying out of Texas highlights this importance.
Being in the hospital at Christmas can be incredibly tough. It’s even worse when the patient is a child. The physical pain and isolation of being in a sterile hospital rather than by the Christmas tree is difficult for any child to comprehend let alone experience.
Parents do their best to lighten to mood and find a way for the kids to enjoy Christmas but nothing compares to a visit from Jolly Saint Nick. These visits can be emotional for the hospitalized children as well as the man with the big bag filled with presents.
Praying Santa
Santa Claus was very affected after visiting with sick kids at this hospital so as he passed by a portrait of Jesus, he knew exactly what he needed to do. Santa took a knee and said a prayer for these kids.
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Mariana Whitley Tumlinson witnessed this profound moment. She quietly snapped a picture as Santa was asking for blessing for these sick children.
Even Santa Claus understands the importance of praying and focusing on your faith. After all, Santa is based off the actual Saint Nicholas, a man of intense faith and kindness. Mariana’s post has gone viral and it’s easy to see why.
It’s incredibly touching.
“I keep getting choked up with this photo,” she wrote on the 2018 Facebook post below. “Today, after Santa visited our patients and was on his way out, he noticed our Chapel. He asked if he could go in and pray for the kids he just visited. I, of course, said yes. I didn’t walk In with him right away but when I did I was so moved by this image I had to capture it. What a great reminder of the reason for the season. #reasonfortheseason #myfavoritesanta
Jesus Is The Reason For The Season
Wow! That picture sums up the spirit of Christmas.
We must never get caught up in the commercialization by forgetting that Jesus is the focal point of the holiday.
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