Jeff Dunham’s curmudgeonly sidekick Walter isn’t the first person you would consider when you need a babysitter. But, ventriloquist Jeff Dunham thought it was time for his grumpy puppet to meet his twin sons.

After a brief introduction, Walter was left in charge of these two tikes who were thrilled to hear him dispense advice on girls and growing up.

Walter Babysits Twins

Walter drives up in a classic Corvette not too thrilled about spending time with babies.

The curmudgeon meets twins, Jack and James, as they are eating in their high chairs. The adorable babies take every opportunity to put their fingers in Walter’s nose and mouth.

The babies have very different personalities and perhaps a bit too much enthusiasm for grumpy Walter who finished raising young children long ago.

Watch the hilariously adorable introduction in the video below.

Walter ended up being a good sport about it. Jack and James responded with more interest in Walter than they did Peanut.

Peanut Meets The Twins

The purple puppet was the first sidekick of their dad’s that the twins met. Jeff wasn’t sure how the boys would respond to one of his puppets. His wife Audrey was with him as the big introduction was made.

Jeff and Audrey have a lot of characters around the house that the boys see every day, but they had yet to see even a video of Jeff’s ventriloquist acts.

Peanut was very excited to meet them, but the feeling was not reciprocated! It’s funny how one of the boys realizes pretty quickly that his dad is voicing Peanut! What a smart baby!

Watch Peanut’s introduction to the babies in the video below.

It’s rather clear that Walter won this contest. Jack and James responded to him immediately. Peanut will probably grow on them, though!

Walter was a lot nicer to the boys than he is to Jeff.

Click here to see Walter make fun of Jeff for being adopted and having such a young wife!

Share this if you think Walter will be babysitting more often!

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