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British Bulldog WWE
January 9, 2020
Count Triple H among those who believe The British Bulldog deserves to be in the WWE HOF, and what exactly are the XFL rules.
WWE Tommaso Ciampa
December 31, 2019
Tommaso Ciampa has no intentions of going to the main roster, as he made it clear to Triple H. In other news, WWE faces a lawsuit due to the XFL.
20 Iconic Photos To Celebrate Vince McMahon's 74th Birthday
August 24, 2019
Today, marks the 74th birthday of Vince McMahon; who turned wrestling from a circus act into global entertainment. Here are 20 iconic photos from his life.
Did Strowman Kill His Push? + News On XFL TV Deals
May 6, 2019
We thought perhaps Braun Strowman might get a push, off the heels of his WrestleMania win. It seems he killed that push, however. Also, XFL has TV coverage!
Tim Tebow Talks XFL
December 6, 2018
When Vince McMahon revitalized his XFL football division, he promised that the company would remain separate from the WWE and its resources.
March 20, 2018
What’s Vince McMahon up to? Well, today at 3 pm we will find out. Recently, McMahon invested $100 million into “Alpha Entertainment” which is billed as ” new enterprise founded by Vince McMahon, has been formed to explore investment opportunities across the sports and entertainment arena.”
Vince McMahon
January 25, 2018
Vince McMahon announced that XFL is returning in 2020. And people had a lot of thoughts about it! Will it be a success? Probably not, but it will be different and certainly a spectacle.