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Brady Bunch Susan Olsen hated playing Cindy Brady
October 1, 2019
America loves the Brady Bunch. Susan Olsen, who played Cindy Brady, is all grown up and sharing why she hated her role as the darling girl with pigtails.
Bird Box Challenge
January 3, 2019
Sandra Bullock’s new Netflix thriller Bird Box is all anyone is talking about and because of the film’s growing popularity, a viral challenge has been born.
mom disappeared christmas eve
December 20, 2018
After his mother died, John Dorroh finally learned the reason his late mother used to run off every Christmas eve to run “errands”.
aap spanking
November 5, 2018
American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), which is now strengthening its longstanding position against spanking children as a form of punishment.
dad prank blinker fluid
July 3, 2018
Fathers are known for their love of barbecues, cars, and the great outdoors. However, there’s also something else they love: a good prank!
May 16, 2018
Responsibilities take some parents away from their children for prolonged periods. This is Mario Sayson’s reality. He had to work outside of the country in order to support his family. He hadn’t seen his children in three years. Then when he came home to the Philippines, he surprised them in epic fashion!
James Grice Jaron Johnson
April 30, 2018
When 86-year-old James Grice lost a $100 bill while shopping at Walmart, he was not able to buy groceries. He thought the money would be gone forever, but his luck changed when an 8-year-old  boy who was raised to do the right thing spotted the high dollar bill.
boy cancer cop
April 19, 2018
A boy battling cancer was made a cop in the Colorado Springs Police Department on Tuesday: 4-year-old Joshua Salmoiraghi.
waxing children's unibrow
February 7, 2018
A Washington state daycare for high school mothers is under investigation for waxing children’s unibrow without their permission
Toys for Puerto Rico
December 26, 2017
A young boy has started collecting toys for Puerto Rico children to be given out this Christmas after the island was hit by a major hurricane
Goodwill Christmas Donor
December 26, 2017
An anonymous Goodwill Christmas Donor bought all of the toys in the kids section and decided to donate them to kids in need
kids in trouble
October 20, 2017
If you have kids, at one time in your life, you have experienced what this mother found out one Sunday morning. No parent wants to catch their child getting
toddler hot car
July 12, 2017
A Florida woman complained that the backseat of a cop car was too hot after she was arrested for leaving her 5-year-old son in a 107-degree car.