When Vince McMahon Left Saudi Arabia

Vince McMahon Upset With Saudi Arabian Prince Over Missing Money

The first Crown Jewel event was surrounded in controversy and that did not change with the second one just over a week ago. After the show, almost the entire roster and WWE officials were left stranded in the country for over 24 hours. The issue was initially blamed on mechanical issues of the plane, but it seems like Vince McMahon being upset over unpaid money is what caused 100s of employee’s to be stuck overseas.

One of the few people who left on a private plane before all the chaos started was McMahon. In the Wrestling Observer Newsletter, they noted how McMahon left two hours before WWE learned of travel problems.

By the time McMahon would learn about the delay, he was already headed back to the United States. He has to prepare for that evening’s SmackDown and continuing with the relaunch of the XFL.

Triple H Calls Out Karl Anderson For Crown Jewel Tweets During RAW Meeting

Speaking of McMahon, he held a talent meeting with Triple H before the start of Monday’s RAW about Crown Jewel. McMahon would double-down that a mechanical issue is what caused the delay.

He asked for the people to speak their minds, but it was mostly silent. The Wrestling Observer Newsletter mentioned how people wanted to remain quiet to avoid any backlash.

Randy Orton made a brief comment, but that was seen as a way to break the tension. McMahon did not take the comment seriously and wanted to know if “anybody else wanted to kiss his @$$.”

Before the meeting concluded, Triple H decided to call out Karl Anderson. During the entire debacle of getting home, Anderson sent out some vocal tweets. He first wanted to know who would be the locker room leader and that he was never going back. Anderson seemed to change his tune after his wife jumped into the comments section to remind the WWE superstar about needing a second house.

As for Monday’s meeting, Anderson did not say anything to Triple H’s comment. Although, his good friend AJ Styles and Rusev did speak up. Styles was mostly upset about missing his son’s wrestling match and Rusev openly thanked WWE’s Senior Director of Talent Relations, Mark Carrano.

Besides that, there was some chatter about the lack of Wi-Fi from Saudi Arabia and talent not being able to contact their families.

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