Good news for Samoa Joe fans, as it seems the wrestler will be making a return soon. In other news, Paul Heyman is recycling an old technique to put wrestlers over with the WWE Universe.

Samoa Joe Might Make A Return During The Christmas Period

Samoa Joe has been on the Raw commentary team for a while, but many have anticipated his wrestling return. Samoa Joe will make his anticipated return during the next episode of Raw. Please be aware, that below are spoilers for next week’s RAW.

Unfortunately, Joe’s return will not be all nice. In fact, he will be beat up by the Authors of Pain and put through the announce table. Evidently, this means he is cleared to wrestle again. It could lead to a brilliant feud between AOP and Samoa Joe in the year to come.

It remains to be seen if Seth Rollins will play a major role in the feud, or if the WWE will pay a little more attention to the Authors of Pain. They were a major success in NXT and a big feud with Samoa Joe could certainly help. Time will tell which direction the WWE will take moving forward.

We do have to wonder if the AOP will play a role in the tag team division at all. They are currently alongside Rollins, which will give them more standing; providing it does not take too long. They will have to get started in the tag team division soon, otherwise they will turn into The Ascension. Still, I look forward to the possibility of a Samoa Joe and AOP feud. Let’s just see how things turn out.

Paul Heyman Uses Old Trick To Put Wrestlers Over

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Paul Heyman has been in the business for a long time, so he knows the ins and outs of the wrestling industry unlike any other. It also means he can recycle some of the old tricks to put his favorite wrestling superstars over.

During an episode of Wrestling Observer Radio, Dave Meltzer lifted the lid on some of the tricks Heyman is using to put stars over. He even claims some of the methods he’s using are tried and tested from WWE’s past.

“The new thing, one of the things that Paul Heyman is trying to do is get people wins. So they’re doing a lot more of these one and two minute matches to get over these finishing moves and get people wins.”

The WWE has struggled to put over their superstars for some time, so the new – or should we say recycled – methods are more than welcome. Whether they will be effective or not remains to be seen. That being said, the methods used by the WWE before have not been that effective in the past.

Even though a lot of people try to comment on Raw and put it in a negative light, I actually believe Raw has improved dramatically compared to last year. While it certainly requires some fine-tuning, Heyman is more in touch with the WWE Universe.

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