In Idaho this week, local police arrested a mom for refusing to leave a closed playground as part of a protest against the state’s strict COVID-19 lockdown orders. Many Americans are becoming impatient with the number of restrictions imposed on them during the coronavirus pandemic. In fact, some people are protesting what they see as unreasonable and unconstitutional lockdowns. Video of the mother of four being handcuffed and escorted off the playground quickly went viral. 

Mom Arrested On Playground

Sara Brady, 40, of Meridian, Idaho was arrested and charged with one count of misdemeanor trespassing at Kleiner Park. 

Here’s the call that was sent out to local moms:

“There are a BUNCH of us taking our kids to Kleiner Park in Meridian today at 3 pm to tear the tape off the playground. ANYONE can join us, kids or no kids, let’s take a stand!”

According to the Daily Mail, the peaceful playground protest was organized by the Idaho Freedom Foundation. The group is adamantly opposed to Governor Little’s statewide lockdown and is holding peaceful protests at various locations closed under the Governor’s order.

Brady was the only one arrested at the park. Footage of her arrest quickly made the rounds with citizens from all over the country expressing their outrage as the mom was taken into custody.

The now-viral video shows the confrontation between the mother and Meridian police officers. After refusing to leave the playground, Brady finally dared the officer threatening arrest saying: 

“Arrest me for being difficult. Do it! Record it!”

Before being handcuffed, the police officer spoke to her saying: “Ma’am, I’ve told you to exit numerous times. This is it. Exit the playground area now. I’m really trying to be nice about this.”

Onlookers yelled at the police who were just following the local and state government rules. However, there are 1.8 million people in Idaho — there had to be something better for the police to be doing. 

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You can hear another woman who is recording the incident shout “Her kids are here! Her kids are here! What is going to happen? Who’s got her kids?” as Brady is escorted from the playground in handcuffs.

Protests Held After Mom’s Playground Arrest

Brady, who is married to Boise police detective Tim Brady, was released from the county jail Tuesday evening. And, that was just in time to attend a protest held at the Meridian City Hall. 

The Idaho mom was surrounded by supporters carrying homemade signs that demanded ‘freedom.’ 

Meridian police said that when officers arrived at the park, the playground was wrapped in caution tape with signs indicating that it was closed because of COVID-19. Despite this fact, they observed several people on the playground. 

After she was released Brady spoke with a local news station, “I feel like I was singled out because I was the only person that was arrested. I wasn’t the only person standing on the bark. I definitely wasn’t playing on the playground equipment. I wasn’t swinging, never touched them. But yeah, I do feel like I was singled out and maybe it was because I asked too many questions.”

The police added that Brady was asked to comply with the rules several times, but the mom refused. The officers say they were left with no choice but to arrest her.

“These are very trying times and the Meridian Police Department supports the public’s right to assemble for peaceful protest, however the right does not include damaging public property or ignoring closures of City property and facilities,” the department added. 

Social Media Outrage Over Arrest 

Many social media users continue to share the video and condemn the mother’s arrest.

This is unconstitutional! Life! Liberty! The Pursuit of Happiness!
Are God given unalienable rights.#Coronamania @IDAHOgov @DIDnews @IdahoStatesman @ISPHeadquarters

— Code of Vets ™ (@codeofvets) April 22, 2020

It’s more evident by the day that Americans everywhere are growing increasingly wary of the strict state-issued stay-at-home orders. 

The protests in Idaho are part of a growing nationwide trend where Americans are finding peaceful ways to protest their state’s stay-at-home orders.

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