Don Rickles was not afraid to call things out as he saw them. He made fun of everyone, even a beloved icon like Bob Hope. When Old Ski Nose was the the focus of Dean Martin’s “Man Of The Hour” roast,  Mr. Warmth brought everyone to tears by making fun of the many A-listers in attendance. Nobody was spared when he had control of the microphone.

Dean Martin Celebrity Roasts

Dean Martin’s Celebrity Roasts are perhaps some of the funniest shows that ever appeared on television. And, they aired long before the days of political correctness. Everyone was a target of jokes, and everyone wanted to be there because it was ground zero for comedy at the time. Those were the days when Hollywood was at its best. Everyone could take a joke. It was an honor to be roasted by someone like Don Rickles. RELATED: Dean Martin Loses It When Foster Brooks Pretends He’s a Campaign Manager

When Rickles was on television, you never knew what he was going to say but you knew you were going to laugh. Mr. Warmth had plenty of Hollywood targets at Hope’s celebrity Roast. Even Ronald Reagan, the Governor of California at the time, was there as was Jimmy Stewart and Jack Benny. Those three and all the others in attendance realized it was an honor to be the butt of Rickles’ jokes. It was television at its best!


Don Rickles Roasts the Man of the Hour – Bob Hope

Humor during that time differs greatly from that of today. Not only is it completely politically incorrect, but no crass language was used! Comedy of that time was hilarious, and it was also done with class. The whole family could watch and laugh together.

They were the good old days when you didn’t have to cover your kids’ ears while watching TV. There was no ethnic or racial group that got a pass – and they all laughed. People had a sense of humor and didn’t take themselves too seriously!

You’ll enjoy taking a trip down memory lane by watching the video below. Dean Martin could hardly hold himself together when Rickles turned his aim at him. This was his party and he expected to be roasted, too.

Bob Hope was a legend in Hollywood. He entertained us for decades and traveled around the globe to entertain American troops. This proud American and strong Republican had an amazing sense of humor. It’s fun to see him be honored by being roasted.

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