The War on Christmas has reached peak levels with terrorists attacking Christmas markets and demanding small towns take down crosses from trees. But the good guys are fighting back and Santa Claus is on our side as he joins the fight against the liberal mania!
In a fun video, Santa celebrates the Second Amendment by shooting quite a number of guns. Every Second Amendment-loving American who celebrates Christmas will love this.
Santa discusses how his love for guns has affected his hearing over the course of several centuries and how he prefers to use silencers for this reason. It’s all done in fun by SilencerCo in their effort to promote the Hearing Protection Act which would reduce strict regulations on suppressors in the National Firearms Act. Suppressors can help save our hearing!
It’s fun to watch Santa shooting guns. He needs quite a big arsenal living up at the North Pole and he showcases quite a few of them in the video below with his pal Rudolph. Be warned that there is some colorful language, but it’s all bleeped out!
I didn’t know Santa was such an avid hunter! This sure is a fun way to lobby for legislation. Silencers are now Santa approved! What legislator can say no to Santa? It would be like saying they hate Christmas!
The Hearing Protection Act is likely to be a priority for the Republican-dominated Legislative Branch. With Donald Trump being the President, Second Amendment activists are hopeful that more burdensome regulations can be tossed to the wind.
We have Santa on our side now! He’s likely to put coal in the stockings of gun control advocates! I’m all for that! He should put the first lump of coal in Nancy Pelosi’s stocking!
Share this if you are well armed like Santa!
H/T: Free Beacon
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