Memorial Day is a solemn day to honor those who gave their lives for our country. As part of this celebration, flags are placed on the graves of those who paid the ultimate sacrifice. But this year, Pennsylvania’s Governor put the brakes on American flags normally made in and distributed from the state for use on Veterans’ graves due to the shutdown of non-essential businesses. 

Flagzone LLC is based in Pennsylvania. The company distributes flags made in America.

They asked Governor Tom Wolf for permission to ship their American-made flags for Memorial Day to be placed at Veterans’ graves. 

Pennsylvania Blocks American-Made Flags For Memorial Day

“We want to be able to honor veterans as we do every year and as we’ve done across Pennsylvania and the nation,” Flagzone President Daniel Ziegler said.

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The State of Pennsylvania wasn’t having it. They refused Flagzone’s request again stating that their American-made flags for Memorial Day are not essential. 

“As the administration’s main priority is protecting the health and well-being of Pennsylvanians, flagmaking operations are thus deemed non-life-sustaining,” Pennsylvania Department of Community & Economic Development communications director Casey Smith said in a statement regarding Flagzone’s appeal to open. 

Sadly, any flags for sale on the market there will likely be made in China since Governor Wolf is refusing American workers and companies the opportunity to make them in Pennsylvania.

Flags from the country where the coronavirus pandemic originated to honor America’s fallen soldiers is Governor Wolf’s preferred way of celebrating Memorial Day.

Pennsylvania Bars Flagmaking At Company That Is Already Open

Pennsylvania also denied an appeal from Colebrooke Enterprises, a company that helps sew American flags for Flagzone.

This company is essential and currently operating. But Governor Wolf’s administration is forbidding them from making any American flags for Memorial Day. 

RELATED: Listen to What President Ronald Reagan Said on Memorial Day 1982

“The people are here saying we’re making face masks, why can’t we make flags since we’re here?” company president Vincent Naso asked.

While many of us recognize that this Memorial Day will be different due to the pandemic, it’s hard to imagine how allowing flags to be made by a company that is already open is dangerous. The workers are already there. The machines are operational.

Americans want some sense of normalcy and Memorial Day is an important part of American culture. But, the State of Pennsylvania won’t extend that flagmaking.

After all, who wants a US flag that’s actually made in America, right? 

It’s hard to understand the Pennsylvania Governor’s decision draw a hard line on this. What is Governor Wolf’s real agenda?

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