Holidays are rough for military families. There is often someone missing from the table. But, sometimes there is a surprise that is the highlight of the holiday!
One Marine mom got quite a gift when her son unexpectedly showed up for Thanksgiving. His dad wrote:
“This video is of my wife and our middle son who is presently at camp Lejeune for infantry training. She wasn’t expecting to see him until Christmas time, and this would have been our first year without having all our boys for Thanksgiving. She had been taking it hard for a few days, crying off and on about not having him home, and wondering if he was going to have any kind of a Thanksgiving dinner.
Every year we have a big get together with Tammy’s side of the family in the fellowship hall at one of our local churches. Everyone except for my wife knew my son was coming in. When it was about time for him to get there, some of her aunts had taken her in to the kitchen to help put away all the food and clean the dishes. This is when he arrived in his dress blues to surprise her.
There was hardly a dry eye in the building. He definitely made it a happy Thanksgiving for her and the rest of us as well!”
Mom experiences pure joy in the video below as she walks out and is greeted by her son! She didn’t have a clue that he would be coming home for Thanksgiving. This certainly will be a surprise she will always remember!
That is just so sweet! I wish they could all be home for the holidays, but I am so very grateful for their service.
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