When bucks lock antlers, it’s a crazy situation to see. It’s nearly impossible for them to unlock themselves. It’s also hard to know how to react to the situation to help them. This is a dangerous situation. Locked bucks are desperate. They are running on adrenaline and will do anything to break free. It’s not safe to be near them and need to proceed with extreme caution.

But, when South Minnetonka Lakes (MN) police department got a call about two locked bucks, they knew exactly what to do.

In the video below, you will see an officer use a taser on the surviving buck to stop his adrenaline-fueled unsuccessful fight to escape. While he is subdued, an antler is sawed off with a Sawzall to free the survivor.

Leave it to a police officer to know what to do! They saved that buck’s life! This seems to be a theme. We told you a couple weeks ago about an officer saving another trapped buck. 

Some people commenting on the video were upset the antler was cut off the surviving deer rather than the dead one. But, Gregory S. Thompson made some very valid points when he wrote, “I woulda cut the living deers antler too. Cause now, I can either mount the head of the dead deer or do a European style mount. As far as the living deer missing an antler. Well he’ll lose some fights, but a trophy hunter probably won’t shoot the animal cause half it’s rack is gone so it will survive the season and be bigger next season if it doesn’t get killed by a car…”

This is true. Having half a rack is not going to make this buck as attractive to a hunter, so maybe in the long haul losing his antler was a lifesaver two times over!

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Source: Field and Stream


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