If you have ever been to a bar, then you’re bound to have heard some crazy stories. Bars are full of diverse people, many of whom have consumed way too much alcohol for their own good.

Well, in one joke a duck hilariously walks into a bar, and the rest is just GOLD!

A Duck Walks Into A Bar…

A duck walks into a bar and asks, “Do you have any grapes?” The bartender says, “No, I am sorry, we have cherries and olives but no grapes.” “Oh,” says the duck and leaves.

Ten minutes later the duck returns and asks the same bartender, “Do you have any grapes?” “Like I said before, we have cherries and olives, but we don’t have grapes!” says the bartender. “Oh,” says the duck and leaves.

Ten minutes later the duck returns and again, asks, “Do you have any grapes?” “Look, beak lips,” screams the bartender. “We have no grapes! We will never have grapes! And if you ask me again, I am going to nail your webby little feet to the floor!” “Oh,” says the duck and leaves.

Ten minutes later, the door swings open and the duck returns. The bartender is furious. He slams a bottle of beer down on the bar, stares menacingly at the duck and screams, “What?” “Uh . . . uh . . . do you have any . . . nails?” the duck asks. “Nails? Nails? No, we don’t have nails,” answers the bartender. “Mmmm,” says the duck. “So, do you have any grapes?”

Oh man! This joke was too funny! I could not stop laughing! I am sharing it with all my friends, and so should you!

And if you like this joke, make sure to check out this one: A Panda Walks Into a Restaurant…

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