Sadie Robertson boyfriend

Sadie Robertson is being honest about her relationship with Blake Coward. The two dated for two years before splitting last year. She has penned an article about what caused their breakup in an effort to help others.

Sadie discussed on her blog how unhealthy the relationship was. They apparently fought quite a bit, which Sadie thought meant they merely had a passionate relationship.

“We were so … ‘passionate’ – and to me, it seemed like that couldn’t possibly be a negative thing because I heard the word passion at church all the time. That was a huge LIE and created so much confusion for me,” Sadie wrote. “I thought our connection was so deep because we created this false love for ourselves that said it was okay to constantly fight like cats and dogs, screaming hateful words and cry till our eyes were swollen. All we’d have to do afterward is share a kiss, make up and then boom – our relationship would be stronger than ever. That was wonderful and all…until the next throw down came which was inevitably not too far around the corner.”

She also warned about hanging on to an unhealthy relationship just because you’ve invested a lot of time into it already. An unhealthy relationship is still bad, no matter how long you have been together.

Sadie said there was a time that she just adored Blake and they had so much fun together, but then things changed – or rather, they changed things.

“Over time, we welcomed sin in and allowed it to create a wedge between us and God. We unintentionally removed ourselves from the foundation of true love,” Sadie said. “God never moved or separated himself from us, we just tuned out the truth and started walking down our own path. That is a dangerous, yet very common place to be.”

When things turned really sour, Sadie picked up her Bible to help her make the decision to end the relationship. Now she understands what passion means and is searching for “Godly passionate love.”

In case anyone was wondering if she wrote this to embarrass Blake, she made it clear that was not the case. She ended the post by saying, “This was Sadie written and Blake approved. I know what y’all were thinking, all is well mates.”

Sadie is wise beyond her years. We all stumble, particularly as teens and young adults. It’s how we pick ourselves up that defines our character.

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Source: Fox News

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