fisherman shark bite

Ervin Maccarty was swimming off the Florida coast when he got a sudden surprise. A nurse shark bit his stomach and latched on, refusing to let go.

Maccarty was on a boat with friends fishing and diving for lobsters. One of his friends shot a grouper with a spear gun. The grouper was hiding in a hole about 10 feet below the surface.

Since Maccarty had experience getting groupers out of holes, he went down to get the fish. That is when a nurse shark came out of another hole and bit Maccarty. He had to swim up to the boat without using his hands as he was trying to prevent the shark from pulling him down further into the water. It was a real struggle, but he made it to the boat where his friends tried to get the shark off him.

When he gets in the boat, he is in quite a bit of pain. After all, he has a shark clamping down on his abdomen! He laid on his back and the shark still wasn’t letting go, despite being out of the water. A friend had to cut the shark to get it off him.

Of course, someone took video of this harrowing ordeal. You can watch it below, but be warned – it is graphic!

Maccarty did not suffer serious injuries but is sporting quite the bite mark from the shark attack earlier this month. Time will tell if he is quick to get back into the water! Personally, I would be concerned about it happening again!

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Last month, a great white shark jumped out of the water to snag a bass from a fisherman. Click here to see that video!

Share this if story to warn all of your friends about the dangers of sharks!

Source: Inquisitr

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