Matt Roloff of “Little People, Big World” has had to work his entire life so when he was accused of having “white privilege,” he spoke up and pointed out the stupidity and arrogance of that accusation. 

Little People, Big World” fans know that Matt has had many battles in his life. Born with dwarfism, he not only encountered a myriad of surgeries and health setbacks but he also had to overcome the stigma of being a small person in a much bigger world. 

The youngest Roloff son, Jacob, left the reality show a while back. He claimed he didn’t want to deal with the rigors of reality television as an adult. But, Jacob’s social media shows there is a political and social divide within the Roloff family

Youngest Son Jacob Roloff Attempts To Shame His Family

Jacob is a far-left liberal. He actively supports Black Lives Matter and throws around the term “white privilege.” He also has been calling out his family for being Trump supporters. 

BACKSTORY: Jacob Roloff Publicly Shames His Family For Not Echoing His Extreme Black Lives Matter Activism

Perhaps Jacob’s comments helped Matt prepare for the online trolls who would soon be coming after him because of his skin color. 


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We live in times of opportunity to do better. I’m in!

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Matt’s “White Privilege”

This is an incredibly positive message but it wasn’t enough for the extremists attempting to push an agenda down our throats. A man named Craig shot back at the “Little People” patriarch by saying, “Careful Matt, your white privileged is showing.”

Matt has had to fight his entire life. He’s not about to let a troll kick him down.

“Craig…. thats probably the most uniformed thing you can say to another human of profound short stature. Little people are not “privileged” (as in born privileged) regardless of their skin color,” Roloff shot back.

“LPs have to fight for every inch they get. What a cruel thing to say to someone who has fought hard to overcome all the adversity life has to offer.. a community that struggles with so much bullying, discrimination, teasing, unemployment. Shame on you!”

It’s unbelievable that someone would accuse Matt Roloff of having privilege. He has battled health issues and discrimination his entire life. His life has been one uphill battle after another yet he greets all these obstacles and challenges with a cheerful smile and strong determination. 

Another follower asked, “How did a comment likes Matt’s turn into this craziness! You don’t need to comment on EVERYTHING!”

Matt Roloff Responds To Trolls

Matt had a simple response to that.”It’s a microcosm of the rest of society,” Matt responded.”Lots of anger out there! Everyone needs to work harder at having more love …less hate.”

While most of the followers applauded Matt’s restraint and caring message, another troll backed up Craig by throwing Jacob into the conversation. 

RELATED: Matt Roloff Reacts to Amy’s Engagement Announcement

Instagram user drchangdoll wrote, “you preach about being tolerant of others and overcoming adversity but your clearly not in support of all of the unrest that your black brothers and sisters are going thru. You have remained mute on the subject. Way to go not wanting to rock the boat with your core conservative audience. Practice what you preach. So disappointed with you and your family (except Jacob) You lost a fan.”

Let’s be honest. This commenter was never a fan. He can’t tolerate differing opinions. He’s just an online troll. Unlike this nameless commenter, Matt isn’t letting his son Jacob off the hook. 

Being a parent means you never stop loving your children, even when they are poking you in the eye.

Matt recently posted a picture with Jacob and his wife along with Jackson


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Haven’t really touched social media in the last week .. but couldn’t help but share this photo… uncle Jacob and Aunt Izzy were out on the back acres getting ready to head out on one of their road trips .. Jackson wanted ChaCha to snap a photo. Uncle Jacob has been teaching Jackson how to use the telescope he gave him for his birthday and shoot rockets in the air… also… I caught up a bit on recent social media posts … it’s very apparent that people are frustrated and angrier then normal. I understand. But getting on the internet and being a mean person is no way to live your life. #bekind #benice #livewell #meanies #weseeyou #itwillgetbetter #bepartofthesolution

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Matt reminded us all to be kind to each other, particularly during times of great strife. He’s proves he’s the bigger person. Let’s hope Jacob is listening. 

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