Hardworking Americans have found a friend in Larry the Cable Guy who dished out some truth about our Constitutional rights on Twitter. He’s just as fed up as Americans are with states closing their businesses and telling them they can’t go places or even have people over to their homes. They are protesting and in some cases even revolting and challenging these orders. 

Larry is spending his quarantine time at his Nebraska farm house with his wife and their teenaged kids. He’s hunting and fishing on his property and even taking in some golf nearby. His life hasn’t been as drastically affected as the average American. And he knows it.

He’s isolating like the rest of us. And, he has had to cancel some of his stand-up performances. But, he recognizes he’s not suffering like others who aren’t in his position.

He also recognizes that state and local governments are inflicting widespread misery and suspending our civil liberties. 

Larry The Cable Guy’s “Git-R-Done” Attitude

Larry the Cable Guy is, of course, the stage name for Daniel Lawrence Whitney. He understands the plight many Americans are facing since the government has taken away our freedoms to work and live as we chose. People are protesting at State Houses across the country and Larry supports them. 

On Twitter, he pointed out that criminals are being released from prison in order to protect them from contracting coronavirus in the tight quarters of jail. Meanwhile, people who are trying to save their business and jobs after the government has ordered them closed are being arrested.

Larry is watching those politicians who draped themselves in the American flag but are silent on this topic during this crisis.  

Larry tweeted that the “bill of rights being trampled is beyond crazy.” He’s right. Even if you agree with staying at home, you have to understand that people are being stripped of their rights by the current orders.

The government has restricted our freedoms and rights and created a serious combined economic and constitutional crisis. 

RELATED: Blue Collar Comedy Guys Hold Nothing Back Saying What They Believe!

He summed it up beautifully in just four tweets. If people want to stay at home, they can but restricting the rights of everyone else is simply un-American.

Larry Also Points A Finger At Hollywood’s Elite

He is unlike anyone else in Hollywood. He doesn’t even live in Hollywood and he’s willing to take his fellow entertainers to task for being completely out of touch with mainstream Americans.

Earlier during the pandemic, he exposed the hypocrisy of Hollywood’s elite who were vying for attention by singing what Larry called a “communist” and “atheist” anthem in a viral video. 

BACKSTORY: Larry The Cable Guy Shreds Hollywood Elite For Singing Communist, Atheist Anthem

Larry is spot on and he summed it up the situation beautifully in his tweets. Here’s the final one that wraps it all up.

If people want to stay at home, they can but restricting the rights of everyone else is simply un-American.

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