The radically liberal comedian Kathy Griffin is claiming that she’s battling an “extreme case” of PTSD, which is a condition that millions of American military veterans battle every day.

Griffin Claims To Have PTSD

Fox News reported that Griffin, 62, took to TikTok to claim that she has been diagnosed with a “complex PTSD,” or post-traumatic stress disorder.

“Let’s talk about PTSD. Never talked about it publicly,” Griffin said in the video. “You can laugh or whatever, but I’ve been diagnosed with complex PTSD. They call it an extreme case.”

“I’d love to hear from you guys about depression or anxiety…how you cope,” she added. “If any of you know my story, you’ll understand that this really started for me about five and a half years ago. Wink. You know, the cancer didn’t help.”

Griffin was referring to her battle with Stage 1 lung cancer, which she was diagnosed with in 2021. She was also seemingly referring to the infamous photoshoot she took part in back in 2017 in which she posed with the simulated severed head of the then-President Donald Trump.

In the caption of her video, Griffin wrote, “I have lots of tools, but it is extremely intense. I’ve never experienced anything like this in my life. If you’re someone who also deals with this, I am sending you lots and lots of #love.”


Never talked about this publicly. I have lots of tools, but it is extremely intense. I’ve never experienced anything like this in my life. If you’re someone who also deals with this, I am sending you lots and lots of love. #PTSD#Depression#Anxiety#ComplexPTSD

♬ original sound – realkathygriffin

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Griffin Doubles Down

Not stopping there, Griffin also shared her alleged diagnosis in a video posted to Instagram, saying that “for the last year and a half I have been plagued with terrifying panic attacks,” while she suffered from the complex PTSD diagnosis.

“I feel silly even telling you this because I always thought PTSD was just for veterans and stuff,” she continued. “During my attacks, I typically vomit quite a bit and often have to go to the ER just to get IV fluids. Anybody else?”

In yet another TikTok video, Griffin talked about her PTSD-induced panic attacks affect her physically.

“It hits me in my chest first, like my chest starts to tingle. Then it goes right to my stomach,” she said, adding in the caption, “This last year and a half has been plagued with PTSD stuff. it’s funny. I don’t have anxiety about performing, but I have anxiety about life.”


Thank you to the response about my PTSD Anxiety PanicAttacks This is all this is new to me. My life definitely changed 5 1/2 years ago as you guys know, but this last year and a half has been plagued with PTSD stuff. it’s funny. I don’t have anxiety about performing, but I have anxiety about life. 😰

♬ original sound – realkathygriffin

Related: Kathy Griffin Wants To Be Un-Cancelled After Infamous Trump Photo – ‘I Was Erased’

Griffin Loves Playing The Victim

USA Today reported that in the years since she took part in her infamous Trump photoshoot, Griffin has tried to play the victim humorous times in response to the legitimate backlash that she received.

“To be told by people in my own industry, ‘It’s over. Leave the country for five years. You’ve shamed our industry,’ on and on and on. It definitely got to me,” she said in 2021. “And so, I got to the point where I kind of agreed. Like, maybe it is time for me to go, and I’ve had a great life, and I don’t think there’s a next chapter for me.”

PTSD is something that millions of American veterans deal with every day, so for a woke liberal comedian like Griffin to whine that she’s suffering from it as well only seems to trivialize the condition. Griffin made her bed when she posed with the severed head of a sitting president on camera, and she’s going to have to lay of it, regardless of how much she wants the rest of us to feel sorry for her.

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