Kanye West has had a big lifestyle change recently. The bombastic rapper is now on tour with God. He’s been having pop-up church services around the country and is making the transition to gospel music. While some are questioning if Kanye is being genuine in his newly found Christianity, one man is shedding light on the artist’s dramatic transformation. The story Adam Tyson tells is evidence that God can use any of us to fan the flames of His message to the masses, even Kanye West. And God’s word isn’t the only important message Kanye is sharing on Sundays …

Kanye’s Conversion To Christianity

Tyson, who is the senior pastor of Placerita Bible Church in Santa Clarita, California, has been appearing at West’s pop-up Sunday Services. But, their history extends beyond that. During a recent appearance on “Pure Flix” Adam Tyson shared the story of Kanye’s conversion. The rapper grew up around Christianity. His father was a Christian marriage counselor, but it wasn’t a focal point in his life. RELATED: Kanye Is Bringing Jesus To Hollywood With Sunday Services And ‘Jesus Is King’ Album

“[West] would say he knew about the things of God. … He said he was running from God,” the pastor said. “[T]he first time I talked to him the first Sunday in June, he told me, ‘I got radically saved five weeks ago.’ I said, ‘Kanye, what happened five weeks ago?’ He said, ‘I was just under the weight of my sin and I was being convicted that I was running from God, and I knew I needed to make things right, so I came to Christ. I came out of darkness into the light,’” Pastor Adam Tyson said.

The pastor reports that West’s conversion has been dramatic and seemingly pure. He believes God is guiding the rapper on this journey.

“I’ve spent enough hours with this man to know God is at work,” Tyson said.

Kanye West Attends Weekly Bible Study

West had attended Tyson’s church of 400 congregants twice in May without much fanfare. When he came a third time, he hung out at the back of the church and waited to speak to the pastor. That meeting lasted for hours and blossomed from there. RELATED: Chick-Fil-A Finds An Unlikely Champion In Kanye West

“The fruit that I’m seeing is he’s no longer continuing in some of the sin patterns that he was before he came to Christ,” Tyson explained. “Right now, every day, he is living and walking with God, so from what I can tell, there’s no reason for me not to encourage that and be a part of that.”

Kanye began attending a weekly Bible study with 40 or so others. Kanye has been so excited about the Bible that he has been flying Tyson out to the new family ranch in Wyoming every week to continue his studies.

Encouraging People To Vote Republican

Kanye has been drawing in massive crowds at his Sunday Services. He is also using this platform to getting people to think for themselves. During his service last weekend in Salt Lake City, the rapper turned gospel artist doubled down on his support for President Donald Trump.

He reminded people that the Republican Party ended slavery. Kanye also said that voting for someone based on skin color is a form of “mental slavery.”

“That’s the Republican Party that freed the slaves,” Kanye told the crowd. “And for a year people want to call me a ‘coon’ because I chose my right.”

“And we got the right, right? We got our own right to our opinions, right?” Kanye said. “Somebody tell me because of my color who I’m supposed to pick as the president. You black, so you can’t like Trump.

“I ain’t never made a decision based off my color. That’s a form of slavery, mental slavery. I can’t drink from the white person’s fountain,” the rapper shared in the tweeted video below.


There appears to be a new Kanye and this is proof that God can change anyone when we open up our hearts and our minds to him.

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