Hollywood star and firebrand James Woods is known for his iconic characters as much as he is for his take-no-prisoners attitude on Twitter. The star of Ghosts of Mississippi was recently asked by a fan to “lay off Twitter”, but true to form 74-year-old James Woods was not deterred and instead stood defiant against anyone who would silence him.
Thanks, but I’m probably not going to lay down my sword and shield any time soon. Trolls and liars don’t bother me. I have alligator blood. https://t.co/p4ozHEEMNx
— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) October 17, 2021
Woods’ political leanings and voice haven’t come without cost to the actor. He alleged that his long-time talent agency fired him due to his political beliefs.
Regardless, Woods continues to stand up for what he believes.
It’s anyone’s guess as to what he means by alligator blood. Maybe he views himself as “cold-blooded” and without fear, as alligators are.
James Woods is virtually non-stop on Twitter. The Casino actor tweets multiple times a day and always makes time to interact with fans.
His mix of humor, bravado, and charm make him one of the few must-follows on the site.
Frankly, he’s a better follow than 99% of the rest of Hollywood, regardless of how you feel about his tweets or political beliefs.
Related: Actor James Woods Hails Teacher A ‘Hero’ For Fighting ‘Socialism’ And ‘Indoctrination’ In Schools
Woods is currently playing in the World Series of Poker and recently cashed in the $3k HORSE event for $5269.
I came in 30th out of 282 entries to win $5269. This is my fourth #WSOP cash this series. Very pleased and having a great time.
And big shout out to @phil_hellmuth winning his unprecedented 16th bracelet tonight!
— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) October 18, 2021
Is Hollywood Censoring Conservative Voices?
James Woods is far from the only actor claiming to have been blacklisted in Hollywood for their conservative viewpoints.
Actors like Scott Baio, Kevin Sorbo, Dean Cain, and countless others saw their roles and opportunities dry up as soon as they strayed from the leftist orthodoxy of Hollywood.
Many in the industry remain silent for fear of retribution. There are probably a lot more conservatives in Hollywood than we think.
But because the left continues to dominate the entertainment industry, many feel it may be best to stay quiet and just do their work.
I personally don’t fault them for that. Sometimes you just gotta keep your mouth shut and do your job. Though I do hate that anyone would feel like that in America.
It is hard the bias in Hollywood against conservative voices.
But there are some voices starting to break through in Hollywood and stand against woke “cancel culture.”
Netflix’s stance against censors who wanted to take down the most recent Dave Chappelle special is proof that there is hope. The reality is that most Americans are tired of everything being overly “woke” and political.
I admire James Woods and the others who have stood up for their beliefs even when it cost them untold sums of money and fame.
Does James Wood need to cut out the tweeting? Share your thoughts in the comments below.