Ventriloquist Jeff Dunham understands the importance of pure comedy – even at Christmas. His faithful fans tune in and show up because they know they are in for a laugh. Jeff Dunham and his puppets don’t subscribe to cancel culture – especially Walter. 

This grumpy curmudgeon of a puppet isn’t afraid to say what he’s thinking. Walter channels his inner Archie Bunker at all times and that’s why we love him. 

In Dunham’s 2015 special Jeff Dunham’s Very Special Christmas Special, Walter really goes off the political correctness reservation. He is an equal opportunity offender. 

Walter Gives Jeff Dunham His Politically Incorrect Take On ‘Happy Holidays’

Walter doesn’t have much tolerance for people who say “Happy Holidays.” Walter is a purist.

He believes Christmas is the holiday focus for December. He believes people of other faiths “are wrong.” 

RELATED: Steve Harvey Didn’t Know What To Do When Jeff Dunham Took Walter On ‘Family Feud’

“I’ve been wanting to say this for a couple years now. Screw you! It’s Merry Christmas!” Walter forcefully tells Jeff Dunham.

The real rub comes when Jeff asks Walter how he would react if someone wishes him a “Happy Kwanzaa.” Jeff’s politically incorrect sidekick doesn’t hold back. 

Walter claims if that ever happens, he would buy them an eye color chart then he’d drink some malt liquor. 

Walter The Flirt

After complaining about his wife, the griping puppet flirts with a woman in the first row.

Walter breaks almost all the rules, without swearing, and even calls Jeff Dunham gay. Which in and of itself is incredibly taboo these days.  

RELATED: Jeff Dunham Realizes That His Newborn Grandson Looks A Bit Like Walter

This is how comedy was meant to be. Equality in comedy means everyone has a right to be made fun of and offended. Walter delivers in a very festive manner. Check out the video below for a good festive laugh!

2020 has been a challenging year for all of us. Most of us are looking forward to putting this year in the rearview mirror. Dunham highlights all of that in a new Comedy Central Holiday special.

Walter, Achmed and the rest of Jeff Dunham’s gang of characters join him on stage to bring us some holiday laughs 2020 style.

A commercial for the Christmas special on Comedy Central can be watched in the tweeted video below. 

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