Collin Gosselin’s disappearance from his family has been noticeable and alarming to many people. Kate very publicly sent him away for treatment without telling Jon their son’s location and Collin missed birthdays and holidays with his siblings because Kate felt it was in his best interest.

While there are some children who do require intensive care, it’s puzzling to many fans that Collin is absent on important days. As far as we know, Kate has custody of Collin and mainly makes these decisions for him. The fact that Jon didn’t know where he was for so long is evidence of this. Kate rarely mentions her son on social media, but she did write a passage complaining about Collin in her book, “I Just Want You To Know.”

“At two and a half, you began testing and trying my parenting at every chance. I called Daddy at work many days crying because you would not obey,” the mother wrote about her son. “I had to ask you every day, ‘Who’s in charge here: you or me?’ You would reluctantly answer, ‘You are.’ As you have grown, this has not changed. You continue to be determined to do what you want to do, and I continue to try to rein you in.”

It’s hard to imagine what Collin would gain from his mother writing this about him. Is it possible that he is just a headstrong child?

More information about Collin Gosselin is in the video below.

From the looks of Jon and Hannah’s Instagram accounts, it appears that he now has custody of her and this year, Collin was able to celebrate his birthday with Hannah and Jon. The other six children were noticeably absent as Jon’s custody is limited.

After Kate sent Collin away, Jon told “Entertainment Tonight” that he didn’t know where his son was. He hadn’t seen Collin in a year and a half. The father said that law enforcement officials have not corroborated Kate’s claims of behavioral problems so it’s unusual that Jon was shut out from the decision to send him away.


Hopefully, Jon will be permitted more time to spend with Collin. It’s hard to imagine a good reason for forbidding a loving father from seeing his son, even if behavioral issues are involved. A father’s love and support are so important.

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