Former Olympian Caitlyn Jenner sounded off against the NCAA on Wednesday saying that transgender athletes like the University of Pennsylvania swimmer Lia Thomas should not be allowed to compete against biological women in sports.

Jenner Sounds Off 

“All of this woke world that we are living in right now is not working,” Jenner said, according to Daily Mail. “I feel sorry for the other athletes that are out there, especially at Penn or anybody she’s competing against, because in the woke world, you’ve got to say, ‘Oh, my gosh, this is great,’ No, it’s not.”

“We need to protect women’s sports, and the NCAA needs to make the right decision tomorrow, and I think that’s probably to stop this right now, rethink it,” added Jenner, who is transgender herself. 

Jenner later doubled down on Twitter, writing, “I’ve said from the beginning, biological boys should not compete against biological girls…this Woke world we’re living in right now isn’t working.”

Related: Caitlyn Jenner Called “Transphobic” After Saying Boys Should Not Compete In Girls Sports

This comes amidst backlash over Thomas, 22, smashing records while competing against biological women.

Jenner blasted Thomas for choosing to swim against women despite competing against men for the three previous years, saying that her doing this is bad both for women and the transgender community.

‘I Don’t Know Why She’s Doing It’

“It’s unfortunate that this is happening. I don’t know why she’s doing it. She knows that when she’s swimming, she’s beating the competition by two laps,” Jenner said. “She was born a biological boy, she was raised a biological boy. Her cardiovascular system is bigger. Her respiratory system is bigger. Her hands are bigger. She can swim faster. That’s a known.”

Jenner then explained the responsibility that comes with transitioning to a different gender:

“First of all, I respect her decision to live her life authentically, 100%, but that also comes with responsibility and some integrity. I don’t know why she’s doing this. One, it’s not good for the trans community. I mean, we have a lot of issues in the trans community that are very difficult and very challenging. We have a suicide rate that’s nine times higher than the general public. But it’s also not good for women’s sports.”

“Maybe the rules need to be a lot stricter on a subject like this. The International Olympic Committee has been looking at this issue for a long time. Back when I was competing, we had the East German women, we had the Soviet women. I mean, when I did my last lifting workout at the Olympics, there was an East German discus thrower and this girl was so much stronger than I was, we were all wondering if it was down to male hormones.”

Related: Caitlyn Jenner Opens Up About Her Long-Time Feud With Ellen DeGeneres

NCAA Changes Rules 

On Thursday, one day after Jenner made these comments, the NCAA changed its rules to force transgender athletes like Thomas to document sport-specific testosterone levels four weeks before their sport’s championship selections.

They must then hand over more documentation six months after that. The new regulations also require at least one year of testosterone suppression treatment before a transgender athlete can compete with women.

It is unclear at this time when exactly Thomas transitioned, so it is not yet known if this will stop her from competing against biological women in the future. 

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