WWE Associate Medical Director Dr. Jeffrey Dugas revealed that a member of WWE developmental tested positive for COVID-19. Despite the positive test, the company will continue with business as usual.
The Official Statement From Dr. Jeffrey Dugas
Dr. Jeffrey Dugas reveals a developmental talent tested positive for COVID-19. The name of the developmental talent was not revealed.
“A developmental talent, who was last on site at WWE’s training facility on Tuesday, June 9, has tested positive for COVID-19,” read the statement.”
According to the statement, the staff member received his or her diagnosis approximately one week ago. So, there is no doubt the company implemented some damage control in the meantime.
In the statement, Dugas revealed that no other individuals got a COVID-19 diagnosis. Nevertheless, this does not take away from WWE’s questionable testing procedures.
Testing Procedures Under Scrutiny
WWE’s testing procedures came under scrutiny recently, as many believe the procedures are inadequate.
Subsequently, the lack of procedures puts wrestlers and other staff at risk.
Current testing procedures at the WWE includes taking staff’s temperature and filling in a questionnaire. AEW on the other hand, holds multiple tapings and tests everyone for COVID.
Since the diagnosis reveal, it is clear that the testing procedures are insufficient. Nevertheless, the company wants to reopen its doors to fans soon.
Local Fans Attending Events
To make matters worse, WWE puts fans in danger, too. This week, Bryan Alvarez reported that the WWE invited local fans to attend their tapings.
With the diagnosis not revealed until this week, it basically means the WWE knowingly invited fans despite the COVID-19 diagnosis. I don’t know which fact angers me most.
Not only did the WWE endanger its staff because of inadequate testing procedures, they invited local fans to attend despite knowing about COVID-19.
Even worse, they continue their current practices.
Other businesses around the world were struck with COVID-19, but none have been as nonchalant about it as WWE. Once again, the company shows its true colors during this crisis.
How WWE Came Out During COVID-19
The recent diagnosis is not the only thing that raises eyebrows. Since the start of the lockdown, the company focused on profits instead of staff welfare.
One of the first things that raised eyebrows was the essential business status. Everyone knows sports entertainment is not essential, yet the company received essential status.
Many believe current president Donald Trump had a hand in declaring the business essential. An anonymous protest from a staff member did not make any difference either.
Then there were the mass staff releases, which saw some loyal members of the roster out in the cold. And to make matters worse, the company boasted about huge profits only weeks later.
In conclusion, while the company maximize its profits, the image of the company changed in the eyes of many forever. I can only imagine the impact this will have on their business in the long run.
Should the WWE change its tactics, or go ahead as normal? And how do you feel about the current developments in the company?
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