Well folks, you’ll get to read this on Monday morning as the dust settles on another TakeOver. This particular TakeOver is special, however. It is the first event on a Sunday, as WWE changed things up. That means this is also the first TakeOver In A Nutshell that you’ll get to read on a Monday morning. Exciting stuff, right? OK, fine, with that out of the way, let’s get down to business. The black and gold brand is out to have a rippin’ good time in Rip City. We’ve got all the titles up for grabs this time around. Keith Lee defends. The Broserweights challenge. Rhea Ripley looks to retain-and maybe fight Charlotte at WrestleMania. To cap it all off, we will see Adam Cole defend against Tommaso Ciampa. It’s a jam-packed TakeOver, which gives us a packed Nutshell. So let’s get right to it and crack open this Nutshell!

Best Match of the night:

This is the beauty-and pain-of a typical TakeOver. Specifically, from the opening bell to the close, each and every match tends to just raise the bar.

There was a lot to love here on this show. The women’s match was great-including the post-match festivities. The tag team match was probably my favorite…but then we had the main event. Ciampa and Cole delivered a phenomenal match. The twist at the end, giving us the grounds for yet another Ciampa-Gargano match? Unexpected, but intriguing.

And, if you look at social media, I am not even giving credit to other awesome examples (no slights intended).

Worst match of the night:

Nope. Not going here tonight for a worst match. If anything, we could complain about some items…like, some really wanted Bianca to win. I know why she didn’t, but I get why they’d want to see it happen.

Some were not thrilled with the outside interference ending the Nox/Kai battle either…but I’d say it opens up things for the next TakeOver. Like, will this (likely) set up a tag match? And if so, who tags with Tegan Nox? New talent is always fun.

Crowd Chants of the Night:

Not repeating chants, but there is something always impressive about an NXT crowd. Fans were super into the show, which sells it for the TV audience.

Star of the Night

Oh man…this is the tough part about a TakeOver.

I will give a few options, because I really cannot settle on one.

The Broserweights, for their big title win. Things got fun from their entrance, and never slowed down.

Keith Lee and Dominik Dijakovic might have stolen the show.

Ciampa and Cole said…hold our beers.


Really, there are even more choices that deserve some love here.

Spot of the Night:

Plenty of others here…lots of high spots.

Jobber of the Night:


Upset of the Night:

If WWE had not lined up…even telegraphed…Charlotte and Rhea Ripley, then I would say I’d be upset that Bianca didn’t win. If WWE is really crazy, they should have Ripley defend at TakeOver before ‘Mania, or have some spin where we get Flair/Ripley/Belair, and then have Bianca go over on the WrestleMania stage.

Otherwise, I’d say the upset was how fans felt leaving the arena, seeing Gargano stun the world and give Cole the win by blasting his former partner with the belt.

Holy Sh** Moment of the Night:

Commentary of the night:

Noteworthy Moment:

I was also surprised, when the referee was knocked out during the main event, that we got no help from anyone. Like, no Broserweights, no Keith Lee, not even some Velveteen Dream.  That said, I suppose it made the Gargano appearance seem to be aiding his friend. That made the turn even more incredible.

Overall lowlights:

Nothing I am going to complain about. Honestly this was a great show. Right now, granted it is early in 2020, but this is the bar. This is the best show of the year so far.

Overall highlights:

Like I said, best show of WWE’s year so far. It will take a lot to top this. Not impossible, mind you, but the bar was set high. NXT TakeOvers have a habit of doing this. I don’t know exactly why anymore. I know plenty of us wish for some of that magic to make its way to the main roster shows, but for one reason or another, it just hasn’t happened.

Loved basically every title match. Each match on the entire card kept improving on the prior match. It’s hard to do, but how the card was assembled and executed was exceptional.

After the final bell:

Great card, and you can see how things should shape up for the Tampa TakeOver. Ciampa and Gargano should be battling once again, which is huge. We will see something more from Tegan Nox, Dakota Kai and friends. The slightly fuzzier options? Not sure exactly who will challenge Adam Cole, and not sure what (if anything) they will do with the NXT Women’s Championship. Presumably, they don’t have a TakeOver match, since Ripley-Flair will happen on The Grandest Stage of Them All.

Very satisfying show, and a great start to having stand-alone TakeOvers on Sundays.


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