NXT Using Controversial Angle


Plans are in place for what could be a very controversial angle in WWE’s NXT organization.

According to Dave Meltzer of Wrestling Observer Radio, the angle will center around AAA’s El Hijo del Fantasma and his stable using kidnapping as a means to secure new members.

“It’s a Symbionese Liberation Army gimmick,” Meltzer said. “Essentially what that means is the people being kidnapped become sympathized with their kidnappers.”

The Symbionese Liberation Army was an American left-wing terrorist organization in the 1970s. Bank robberies, murders and other violent acts were their means of getting into the public eye.

Along with Fantasma, Raul Mendoza and Joaquin Wilde will be part of the stable.

The 35-year-old Fantasma signed with the WWE in 2019, but has been out with an injury.

In February, he teamed with Mendoza to score a victory in a tag match in his in-ring debut.

Mendoza was abducted on a March episode of NXT after competing in the promotion a number of times. He challenged for the NXT cruiserweight title last year, falling to Lio Rush.

Wilde also suffered the same fate, as he was abducted earlier this month. He made his debut last year, competing in the NXT Breakout Tournament.

AEW’s Double Or Noting Cancelled?

NXT Using Controversial Angle


There is real concern over AEW’s Double Or Nothing pay-per-view event taking place Saturday, May 23 from the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Nevada just outside Las Vegas.

On the Twitter account Las Vegas Locally, they are reporting that all planned MGM shows and attractions have been canceled for May 31. This, of course, is due to the coronavirus, which has caused issues for AEW already.

Among the planned bouts for the event were the finals of the AEW TNT Championship. The promotion also previously announced plans to film the follow-up episode of Dynamite at the same resort, which is also obviously not going to happen now.

So far, Cody is the lone wrestler to advance in the tournament. He picked up a victory via pin over Shawn Spears.

Other planned bouts include Sammy Guevara vs. Darby Allin, Dustin Rhodes vs. Kip Sabian and Colt Cabana vs. Lance Archer.

Fans React On Possible Cancellation

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