Jim Cornette felt the need to call Penelope Ford a ‘slut,’ which resulted in a lengthy Twitter battle. Miro and Kip Sabian got involved, which only escalated the situation.

Jim Cornette Calls Penelope Ford A ‘Slut,’ Miro & Kip Sabian Respond

Revolution was last week and yet we are still hearing about it. There was some complaints about the show, particularly the dud ending in the exploding barbed-wire match.

For Jim Cornette, who always finds controversy, he at least saw part of the event and was not happy. But, he focused on the tag match featuring Miro and Kip Sabian (who is married to Ford).

While reviewing the show, Cornette said Sabian looked like a child and Penelope Ford was his “slutty sister.” As you can imagine, a bunch of words were traded on Twitter.

Miro got into the conversation and threatened Cornette. Sabian commented how people will rejoice at Cornette’s funeral. 

Unfortunately, the war of words did not end there. 

Miro Threatens Jim Cornette

Jim Cornette Mocks Miro

Twitter War Continues

Cornette went too far with his comments. Calling someone a slut is never okay.

At the same tine, Miro and Sabian should not have wished death upon the WWE Hall of Famer. Sadly, there are winners here and the entire situation is embarrassing and not needed. 

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