An Australian man was driving when he encountered something bizarre crossing the road. He stopped his car to get a closer look and discovered it was a congo line of worms!
Matt Anderson was shocked to witness this as it wasn’t anything he had even heard about. The fuzzy wormlike creatures that resemble caterpillars were impeccably traveling in a single file line. “Only in Australia have I seen something this crazy and makes you realize how amazing nature can be,” Anderson stated.
“Over 150 plus crossing a road together. Maybe it’s because of a defense to larger pray and replicating a snake or perhaps they find it easier to cross large distance together in unison….I am so happy to have experienced this line of worms. Just wow.”
“I had just entered the car-park of my work when I witnessed something I had never seen before. It was a line of over 150 worms crossing the road in single file. I grabbed my phone and started videoing the amazing sight,” Anderson told Viral Hog. “It was sort of a freak of nature.”
He filmed the encounter in Brisbane, Australia as it was something he couldn’t even believe he was seeing. It is something you do have to see to believe. You can see this unusual sighting in the video below.
It’s easy to see how someone could run them all over in their car. I wonder if they actually got across the parking lot to their destination without getting hurt. While this way of relocating is fascinating, it could end up badly for the worms.
Lined up together, these worms do appear to be one large creature. Nature has an interesting way of protecting creatures from predators. This formation could cause some ill-intended creatures to mistake them for a large snake.
Share this story if you have never seen anything like this before!
Source: Daily Mail
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