The assault on traditional marriage went down another wayward path when two Florida women married a 100-year-old tree.

Karen Cooper and Dana Foglesong forced the tree into marrying them both. The tree had no say in whether it wanted to become Cooper and Fogelsong’s spouse, but that is apparently what happened.

The City of Fort Myers discussed cutting down the 100-year-old Ficus tree in Snell Family Park last year to make way for development. This alarmed the tree huggers and they hatched the idea of marrying it in an attempt to save it prior to a Council meeting planned to discuss the tree’s demise.

“I told other people if they cut this tree down, then I’m going to be a widow,” Cooper said. She also made vows to the old tree. “Vowing to protect and preserve and celebrate this tree,” Cooper said.

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Since the tree doesn’t even have a voice, it was unable to object or join the #MeToo movement regarding sexual harassment or being forced to marry not one, but two women.

Cooper had a reception complete with cake and flowers to celebrate her marriage to a tree. But, she claims she is not crazy. “I’m not a whack job,” the woman who married a tree claimed.

Video about this unusual wedding is below.

The man who wants to build the home claims he never wanted the tree to be cut down. That apparently didn’t stop Cooper and Fogelsong from marrying the tree.

It appears this rather non-traditional marriage may have worked. The City of Fort Myers is backing off cutting down the tree.

“The city is moving forward to save the Snell Park Ficus tree. Everyday city employees care for the trees and plants that give our city a sense of community and shared history,” a statement said.

Share this insanity with your friends and family. It just might give them the laugh they need! 

Source: Wink News

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