A New York Democrat was caught on camera having a complete temper tantrum and using every liberal excuse in the book when she was caught speeding by a police officer. Her laughable and embarrassing actions might just cost her next week’s election.
Ulster County Legislator Jennifer Schwartz Berky is apparently used to getting her way. She channeled her inner two year old and is now being mocked as the MUST SEE video of her traffic stop is going viral. The excuses she tried were comical, even claiming she had PTSD. I couldn’t stop laughing when she said that she didn’t feel safe as Officer Gary Short politely explained the situation!
There are many liberal talking points peppered among her excuses. Here are some of the best ones:
- “Please don’t give me a ticket. I’m broke. I’m completely broke. And if you tell people, it’s gonna hurt me.”
- “I’m having a panic attack! (hyperventilating) … I’m gonna take it to the court, because (heavy breathing and screaming) … I have PTSD! Ahhhhhh!”
- “I’m going to protest this in court. You’re telling me that you singled me out.”
- “You’re not gonna let me go, even though I’m a county legislator?”
- “I always do everything right, and I follow the law, and I was at the same pace as every other car!”
- “I couldn’t go slower; they honk! They honk at you!”
- “Could you just tell me what you’re doing here with the ticket, because I’m late for a job meeting … and this is my career!”
- “I don’t feel safe anymore. I don’t feel safe here. I don’t feel safe around you.”
Officer Short explained that he wasn’t going to give her a speeding ticket. Instead, he was going to give her a ticket for not wearing a seatbelt so she wouldn’t get points on her license. Berky even protested this very kind gesture, so the police officer wrote her a ticket for speeding.
The Democrat legislator completely loses it. She’s apparently not used to being held accountable for her actions. Watch her temper tantrum in the video below as she tried to find her safe space. Most adults can handle getting a ticket. This woman, however, lost her mind! Just like a typical leftist, she drives a Prius! The video below is a must see!
This is a woman who makes laws! She had no respect for Officer Short who enforces those laws! She reminds me of Nancy Pelosi and Maxine Waters! She knew the traffic stop was being recorded and she still acted like a lunatic!
The release of this video is bad timing for Berky. She was pulled over in May and had been fighting the public records requests for the video. It was finally released days before her re-election. Now, she’s doing damage control for acting like a fool and being derogatory towards a police officer. With her election on the line, she has publicly apologized to Officer Short. It may be too little, too late.
Share this if you think Officer Short deserves a medal for being so patient with this lunatic!
Source: Free Beacon
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