Kim Rhode is competing in her 6th Olympics. The legendary American shooter is the most successful female shooter in Olympic history.

Now, she has set her sights on gun control. The Californian has some choice words for California’s latest infringements on the Second Amendment and how it is impacting her personally.

“We just had six laws that were passed in California that will directly affect me,” Rhode said. “For example, one of them being an ammunition law. I shoot 500 to 1,000 rounds a day, having to do a background check every time I purchase ammo or when I bring ammo out for a competition or a match — those are very, very challenging for me.”

Rhode is also speaking out about President Obama’s desires for a gun owner database.

When you look at these events that have been occurring, they’ve been occurring in some of the strictest gun law countries in the world,” Rhode said.

“You have Paris, you have San Bernardino, which was actually in a gun-free zone, so, yeah, it’s actually something that you take into consideration.

“For me personally, I realize the first responsibility of a police officer is to respond to an incident and for me personally, in that five minutes or 10 minutes or 20 minutes in some cases that it takes for them to get there, how do you want to stand there? I would rather have my Second Amendment right.”

That’s completely right. These limitations on the Second Amendment have real consequences for not just Olympic athletes, but also everyday Americans who want to be able to defend themselves.

Rhode is a great spokesperson for the Second Amendment as she is such a decorated champion. You can see a video of her below preparing for Rio.

I definitely agree with Kim Rhode on gun control. These measures only impact people like us negatively, making us soft targets.

Please share this if you are against gun grabbing!

H/T: Conservative Tribune

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