Zach Haumesser is a puppeteer and a Southwest Airlines flight attendant. Some passengers who were lucky enough to fly with Zach got perhaps the best flight arrival instructions ever.

Let’s be honest. Most of us don’t really pay much attention to the flight attendant who is telling the passengers how to safely deboard the plane. Everyone is typically eager to get out and stretch their legs, run to the bathroom, or catch a connecting flight. But, the people on Zach’s flight to Chicago certainly took notice of what he had to say.

“Be vewy, vewy quiet, we have weached your destination,” Haumesser said in his Elmer Fudd voice. He impersonated a host of Warner Brothers characters. Speaking as Bugs Bunny he said, “You wouldn’t wanna get a bump on the noggin,” when informing passengers to be careful removing their luggage in the overhead compartments.

I bet everyone was paying attention as he greeted and instructed everyone in Looney Tunes voices! Watch the video below to see if this would get you to listen to these flight announcements.

He’s pretty talented! I bet the kids on that flight were hanging on every word. It sure seemed like the adults were! This is one a very creative way to get passengers to listen to the instructions.

Southwest has a reputation for having comical flight attendants. They often throw jokes in with the pre-flight instructions, too. Listen to the hilarious instructions in the video below. Notice how the passengers are actually watching and listening. This is a very creative way to get people to listen!

It’s no wonder that many passengers prefer to fly Southwest. The flight attendants don’t seem to take themselves too seriously and are able to laugh at themselves! Flying is stressful. Comedy helps!

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