A Colorado school district is allowing teachers to carry guns. The Hanover School District 28 voted to allow trained and licensed employees to carry sidearms on school property in order to provide students with added protection.
This is viewed as a needed step as it takes police 20 minutes to arrive at the district’s two schools 30 miles outside of Colorado Springs. When seconds matter, the police aren’t able to arrive to these schools on time.
Of course the gun control crowd will be throwing fits over this. When schools are gun free zones, the only people with guns are the bad guys. Allowing teachers to carry guns will put potential mass shooters on alert that the school doesn’t have a lot of sitting ducks.
This concern has increased since marijuana is now legal in Colorado. There is a pot growing operation 5 minutes from the high school, so some are worried that drug activity could lead to violence at the high school.
As the video below details, teachers and other employees will have to go through proper training and get licensed before they are able to practice their Second Amendment rights in school.
As a parent, I would welcome this at my children’s schools. The lack of protection during the school day is a serious concern of mine. I would even chip in to help buy their teachers guns!
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H/T: The Blaze
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