The War on Christmas, unfortunately, continues to rage on in this country, as liberals are trying to do whatever they can to get rid of any sign of the holiday altogether. Now, it’s been revealed that the Human Rights Commission has recommended that the town of Durham, New Hampshire stop doing their annual Christmas tree lighting because it “excludes” those who are part of other religions.

Western Journal reported that the Human Rights Commission aims to get rid of “prejudice and discrimination because of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, ancestry, place of birth, age, sex, sexual orientation, (and) gender identity.”

This situation started when the Seacoast Chabad Jewish Center in Durham asked if a menorah could be put up next to the tree, but town officials refused out of fears that it would be vandalized.

“The menorah raised a broader concern for me,” said Town Administrator Todd Selig. “I have a concern about the display of religious symbols on public property. We should have it for all, or none at all.”

Liberals Find Christmas Tree Lighting Offensive

The Human Rights Commission met to talk about this at the end of last month, and they concluded that the Christmas tree lighting tradition must end and instead potentially be replaced by a “winter carnival.” Kitty Marple, chairman of the Human Rights Commission and the town council, said that she is in favor of a winter carnival theme instead.

“I am a person of no religious affiliation. These things don’t bother me, but I understand how they might bother someone else,” she said.

It’s bad enough that we can’t even say “Merry Christmas” in public these days without offending someone. Now, we won’t even be able to publicly light Christmas trees?!

The left is always quick to defend the rights of groups like Muslims to be able to worship freely, yet when it comes to Christians, we are discriminated against at every turn. We have religious freedom in this country, and that should apply to ALL religions, including Christianity. There is nothing “offensive” about a Christmas lighting ceremony, and if it bothers someone from another faith, he or she has the right not to attend. It’s time for the left to leave Christmas alone and allow us to celebrate the holiday in peace.

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