A homeless man was left in tears after what employees at a Buffalo Wild Wings wrote on the ticket for his takeout order. Other customers were so disgusted by the message that the restaurant was forced to respond.

The employees didn’t intend for the man to see the messages, but he did. One wrote “For Homeless F—! Let Sit Out And Get Gross” Another employee wrote, “I LOVE YOU” below the vulgar message.

The upset homeless man decided to show other customers what the employees wrote. Not only was he treated disgracefully, but these employees hoped to ruin his food and possibly get him sick!

Kailynn Weston witnessed this at the restaurant and was furious when she saw the note. She spoke up for the man who was the target of these mean employees.

“I was just really upset about it, like why would you do that, especially, and he said, ‘You all know that I’m homeless, I don’t have anywhere to live,’ and it just really upset me,” 26-year-old Weston said. “And I was like, ‘That’s not okay, one, for someone to treat a customer like that, let alone a customer in his condition.’”

Weston also sought out management to complain and demand action. The appalling treatment of this man was something she could not ignore. He was paying for his meal and worthy of being treated respectfully.

“I walked up to the manager and I said, ‘This isn’t right and I demand that she get fired or something happen because I won’t come here anymore, for sure, and I’ll let other people know not to come here anymore, because it’s not okay,’” she recalled.

Management agreed and the employee was fired. In addition, they are looking to amend the situation for the homeless man.

“It’s embarrassing for this gentleman and it’s very inhumane on the part of the employees,” Regional Manager Ray Rhodes said in an apology. “It’s not our culture and it’s not who we are.”

The restaurant gave him a year of free wings, a hotel room, and a Walmart gift card to help him purchase new clothes. In addition, they donated 800 wings to a homeless outreach center.

Kelli Tidwell Stawecki of Water’s Edge Gathering Church reported the homeless people they serve were thrilled to be spoiled with the wings. “In 7 years that I’ve been doing this we have never given out wings. I think this is their new favorite!!,” she wrote on Facebook.

homeless wings

Businesses always make mistakes. There will always be rogue employees, but how a company responds to problems shows management’s true intentions. This ended up being a great solution that helped lots of people!

Share this to remind people to be kind to each other!

Source: Western Journal

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