A Pittsburgh couple made a horrifying discovery when they found out their neighbor was in their attic looking into their bedroom through a vent. This story proves how important the Second Amendment is. When seconds matter, you don’t have time to wait for the police.

Imagine being in your bedroom and thinking you hear someone in your attic as your infant daughter is sleeping right below. That’s what happened to Jerome and Ashley Kennedy. Then one day, they saw a light shining down through the vent, confirming something wasn’t right.

Later, Kennedy installed a video camera in the attic so he could see what was going on, but he wasn’t prepared for what he found. His 69-year-old neighbor Robert Havrilla was sneaking around up there.

“It shows him removing a false wall that he engineered, climbing onto my ceiling, above my baby’s crib, and he lies on some planks that he put there, in my ceiling,” Kennedy said.

Video showed Havrilla enter the attic with a drill and a light. He laid down on a vent that was right above the baby’s crib and the Kennedy’s bed. He drilled a hole near the vent and stayed in place for about a half hour before returning to his home next door.

“It’s very disheartening to feel violated in this way that somebody can come in and disrupt the sanctity of my home, it’s indescribable,” Kennedy said.

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Jerome Kennedy also found drill holes that appeared in the common wall that separated his property from Havrilla’s. At first, Havrilla denied being in the attic, but then his next-door neighbor said he was doing construction.

Havrilla’s attorney claims he was in Kennedy’s attic for maintenance purposes since he is completely renovating. But, it’s hard to imagine the need for him to be in his neighbor’s attic, especially since they expressly forbid him.

After watching the video below, you will be concerned for this family and probably your own. It’s sickening to think of someone watching you in your bedroom but that was the reality the Kennedys faced.


That should be an advertisement for the Second Amendment. I’d certainly make sure to be armed and ready after that nightmare!

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