alligator jumps tour boat

We’ve all met someone who pretends to be an expert on something when they aren’t. Often, this can lead to some ridiculous situations, but one guide’s ignorance became a near life or death situation for passengers of a tour boat. When the captain got too close to an alligator, he put everyone’s life in danger.

The captain was trashing alligator hunters on television shows claiming he knew more than them. But, his stupidity and arrogance put everyone in harm’s way! He pulled the boat right next to the alligator and said to the passengers “You can reach out and slap him, couldn’t you?”

The gator just wanted to be left alone. If this captain actually knew about alligators, he would have noticed that immediately when he decided to bring the boat right up to the bank. While they were sitting there, this creature had enough and he suddenly turned and jumped on the boat, causing everyone to scream and panic! These passengers weren’t expecting to become lunch for this magnificent beast because their captain decided to taunt!

Tylor Hindery and his wife were on the airboat in Florida where this happened. The Missouri couple definitely wasn’t expecting this much drama on their vacation!

You might be screaming along with the Hindrys when you watch the crazy video below!

This captain was such a fool that he didn’t even realize how high gators could jump! His stupidity put everyone’s lives at risk! They could have easily been seriously injured or even killed, but at least they have an amazing story to tell.

A Louisiana cat has more knowledge about alligators than that airboat captain! A cat in the bayou was filmed taking on an alligator, forcing the beast back into the water away from the people! The cat didn’t put anyone’s life in danger and the gator actually obeyed its feline master!

Watch the cat show up the airboat captain in the video below.

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