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A Chick-fil-A customer might be getting a dream come true! A Georgia franchise is offering a very generous reward for anyone who will help them find a thief. The hero will eat free at the restaurant for a year!

The Cartersville Chic-fil-A reports their catering van was stolen last weekend from the parking lot of the restaurant. The van was later found after crashing into a parked car at a residential home.

The person responsible for this joyride gone bad hasn’t been identified yet. The fast-food restaurant shared pictures of the suspect on Facebook in hopes that someone could help bring the person to justice. The pictures were apparently captured by surveillance cameras.


The reward of free Chick-fil-A for a year might cause a friend of this thief to turn him in! This tasty reward would be tempting, after all. Anyone with information is asked to contact the City of Cartersville Police Department.

There are many comments on the Cartersville Chick-fil-A post. People are quite upset that anyone would steal from a franchise that does so many generous deeds for the community. Local folks are so connected to their Chick-fil-A that they are taking this crime rather personally. Prayers are being offered up for the thief to be caught while another patron offered to personally seek revenge on the suspect.

Teri Race wrote, “I can’t even imagine the logic (there is none) behind this!!! WHY? What could he have possibly hoped to gain? Makes no sense at all. And isn’t stealing a vehicle a felony? Sure as hell should be since stealing a laptop is a felony!!!!!!”

With a reward this delicious, it’s hard to think this crook will be on the streets for long!

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Source: NY Post

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