Donald Trump

Donald Trump hasn’t even been sworn into office and he’s already won a huge victory for American workers.

President-elect Trump and Vice President-elect Pence worked with Carrier to keep 1,000 jobs in Indiana. The company announced in February they were moving operations from Indiana to Mexico.

Trump speaks the language of business. His experience clearly helped him cut through the issues and save 1,000 American jobs. This is all part of his plan to Make America Great Again! He’s not even waiting until he takes office to start! He’s cutting through the baloney and getting it done for the American people!

Trump made this campaign promise a reality before he is even on the job. Carrier announced the terrific news on Twitter.

Trump later tweeted about the deal, proving his dedication to the American people.

This news has been greeted with enthusiasm from Indianapolis. Enthusiastic employees whose jobs were saved spoke with the local TV station in the video below. Trump and Pence worked quickly to save their jobs when President Obama did nothing for them. They are very appreciative!

24 year Carrier employee Robin Maynard thanked President-elect Donald Trump and Vice President-Elect Mike Pence on Fox & Friends this morning.

Trump hasn’t even started the job yet and he’s already making big wins for Americans! This really is rather remarkable. It will be hard for his naysayers to take issue with this.


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H/T: Fox 59

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