Something happened on Saturday night that will make liberal’s heads explode.

In a pre-race prayer at the Sprint Cup Series’ Duck Commander 500 NASCAR Race, Phil Robertson — the Duck Dynasty patriarch — said that we need a “Jesus man in the White House.” Can you imagine what the left’s reaction will be?

This pokes at 2 liberal pain points — their disdain for NASCAR as the cars guzzle fuel ticking off tree huggers AND public display of support for Christianity. Phil just opened up the gates of hate from the left!

Robertson was giving the prayer because Duck Commander was one of the race sponsors. Read this prayer and you will understand why this will upset liberals.

“Alright Texas, we got here via Bibles and guns. I’m fixin’ to pray to the one who made that possible. Father, thank you for founding our nation. I pray, Father, that we don’t forget who brought us. You. Our faith in the blood of Jesus and his resurrection. Help us, Father, to get back to that. Help us dear God understand that the men and women on my right, the U.S. military. On my right and on my left. Our faith in you and the U.S. military is the reason we’re still here. I pray Father that we put a Jesus man in the White House. Help us do that, and help us all to repent to do what’s right to love you more and to love each other. In the name of Jesus we pray. Amen.”

That’s a pretty terrific prayer. I think I’ll say it right now!

Robertson isn’t afraid to speak out for Christianity even when he is told to stop. Check out the video below to hear him discuss how the editors of Duck Dynasty to ask him to stop saying, “In Jesus’ name.” He wouldn’t stand for that!

Please share this if you stand with Phil!

H/T: Gospel Herald

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