CHRISTMAS IS CANCELLED! Well, it would be if the leftist woke mob had their way. It isn’t enough for them to ban comedy and any sort of thought that isn’t found in a Harvard classroom so the woke mob have found their latest target: Christmas movies.

Yes, the one part of Hollywood not drenched in Anti-Americanism and cynicism is too much for some of these would-be critics. Here are a few of the movies the new no-fun police want to ban. 

Woke Mob Wants To Cancel These Movies

The Holiday

A new classic about finding love and hope and togetherness is apparently problematic because the male characters are scummy?

Why are they scummy? Because they dare to show their flaws.

And they are guilty of committing the most heinous crime of trying to FLIRT with women! THE HORROR!

The Santa Clause 

Now, these self-proclaimed critics got me steamed. The Santa Clause starring none other than Tim Allen is probably my favorite Christmas movie.

What is this beloved classic with an amazing message charged with? FATPHOBIA? 

I mean…what? There are people out there who really think people being concerned with a man suddenly gaining 200 pounds is “fatphobic.” 

Here’s a newsflash that’ll trigger a lot of people; being fat is NOT healthy. Obesity is linked to myriad diseases and conditions that shorten your lifespan. 

Also, this movie was great because it humanized America’s most maligned group: divorced dads.

Related: The Definitive List Of Best Christmas Movies

Jingle All The Way

This perpetually slept on Arnold Schwarzenegger classic is accused of being too “capitalistic.” Okay – now I’m confused. These people seriously think this move promotes capitalism?

That is like watching Goodfellas and thinking it glamorized gangster life.

The whole point of Jingle All The Way is that greed and the pursuit of material goods betray the very meaning of Christmas. If you think this movie is all about getting toys to please your kids, boy are you missing the forest for the trees. 

Look at this scene and tell me that this movie in any way celebrates “capitalism”? 

It’s A Wonderful Life

No argument here. As I’ve said before, I think this movie is garbage.

But George Bailey as a misogynist? Get the HECK OUT OF HERE with that overreaching! 

Against The Woke Mob


Is the woke mob out of control? Yes.

They remind me of the 90s “parental warnings” groups who tried to ban video games and music because they gave out the “wrong message.”

I would say it’s good that these people are few and far between and on Twitter, but the reality is that too many people take Twitter seriously, especially decision-makers. 

What do you think? Do you find these Christmas movies “problematic”? Sound off below.

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