People suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome don’t have a firm grasp of reality. Their hatred of Donald Trump is so extreme that they can’t even say anything positive when he does something they agree with. They are constantly in attack mode. Even more bizarre, they attack members of his family who have nothing to do with his policies on a regular basis.

Washed up supermodel Chrissy Teigen, a constant critic of President Trump, took her stupidy to the next level this week when she attacked Ivanka Trump for sharing an opinion. The First Daughter took to Twitter to praise Oprah Winfrey after the billionaire talk show host gave a speech about sexual harassment at Sunday’s Golden Globes.

You can disagree with Ivanka about Oprah – I certainly do. But the tweet says a lot about Ivanka’s character. She was willing to say she agrees with someone who is being propped up as a possible 2020 challenger to her father.

But, some in Hollywood couldn’t stand the idea of sharing an opinion with someone with the last name Trump. Chrissy Teigen quickly jumped on Ivanka’s tweet. She doesn’t want to find common ground with a Trump. This hyperpartisan environment has completely torched the idea of civility and bi-partisanship, particularly in Hollywood.

Teigen was quickly joined by has-been actress and Resistance leader Alyssa Milano who encouraged Ivanka to donate money in support of the women who are accusing President Trump of sexual harassment and assault.

Never mind the fact that Milano and others turned a blind eye to Harvey Weinstein’s sexual reign of terror over Hollywood women. It’s easy to believe that even Oprah knew about Weinstein’s appalling treatment of women. That’s why I don’t believe Oprah is an appropriate spokesperson for this cause.

This Oprah chatter has given us yet another example of how Hollywood is completely unhinged in it’s Trump hatred. Even when they agree with a Trump, the Hollywood Resistance has to attack.

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Source: Daily Wire

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