Singer Taylor Swift just showed the world how full of herself she really is when she likened herself to Hillary Clinton while also claiming that she’s so powerful that she could have actually harmed the Democrat’s 2016 presidential campaign by endorsing her.

Fox News reported that in a new interview, Swift talked about why she was quiet during the 2016 presidential election.

Swift Thinks Her Endorsement Sways Elections

“Unfortunately in the 2016 election you had a political opponent who was weaponizing the idea of the celebrity endorsement,” Swift said. “He was going around saying, I’m a man of the people. I’m for you. I care about you.’ I just knew I wasn’t going to help.”

Swift went on to indicate that she feels she is so important that her endorsement would have been the deciding factor in the election.

“Also, you know, the summer before that election, all people were saying was, ‘She’s calculated. She’s manipulative. She’s not what she seems. She’s a snake. She’s a liar,'” Swift recalled of her reputation during that time. “These are the same exact insults people were hurling at Hillary. Would I be an endorsement or would I be a liability? ‘Look, snakes of a feather flock together. Look, the two lying women. The two nasty women.’ Literally millions of people were telling me to disappear. So I disappeared. In many senses.”

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Swift Regrets Staying Silent Politically

Swift now regrets not speaking out about her politics until after the election, and she left no doubt as to where she stands politically now.

“Rights are being stripped from basically everyone who isn’t a straight white cisgender male. I didn’t realize until recently that I could advocate for a community that I’m not a part of,” she said. “It’s hard to know how to do that without being so fearful of making a mistake that you just freeze. Because my mistakes are very loud. When I make a mistake, it echoes through the canyons of the world. It’s clickbait, and it’s a part of my life story, and it’s a part of my career arc.”

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Swift Is Just Another Liberal Elitist In Hollywood Now

This interview is a prime example of just how full of themselves leftwing celebrities like Swift have become. These liberal elites have become so out of touch with reality that they actually think they play a major role in how the American people vote. If Americans gave a hoot about what liberal celebrities said about politics, Republicans would never win elections because we are constantly lectured by Hollywood about how “evil” the right is. Despite the fact that celebrities are so against them, Republicans like Donald Trump still “somehow” find ways to win elections because Americans can actually think for themselves without paying attention to what some actor or singer says.

In the end, Swift speaking out about liberal politics won’t really affect the way anyone votes, as she now just blends in with all the other liberal sheep in the entertainment world. Instead, all it will do is alienate the millions of conservative fans who rocketed her to fame in the country music industry. There was a time when Swift’s silence about politics was considered refreshing to many on both sides of the political spectrum, and it’s disappointing to see someone like her submit to the left in this way.

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