Mandy Harvey doesn’t let her disability get in the way of her dreams. She learned to sing after losing her hearing. After getting Simon Cowell’s Golden Buzzer on America’s Got Talent, the deaf woman blew everyone away by singing a duet with Shania Twain.

The two women have overcome major obstacles. Shania’s marriage fell apart when her husband had an affair with her best friend. After contracting Lyme disease, the singer developed dysphonia, which affected her vocal cords and forced her into speech therapy so she could sing again.

While in college, Mandy developed a connective tissue disorder that caused her to lose her hearing. She first realized she was losing her hearing when she couldn’t hear her professor speak. She taught herself to sing by tapping her foot.

It seemed rather appropriate that Mandy and Shania sing together. Both women had overcome major obstacles in their lives to even be able to sing. Shania recently released her first album in 15 years because of her dysphonia.

The women sang, “You’re Still The One,” which was a chart-topper for Shania two decades ago. The song was written about Twain’s now ex-husband, so the lyrics were updated to reflect her and Mandy’s journeys overcoming their respective obstacles.

I didn’t know what to expect when I learned a deaf woman was singing with Shania Twain, but I was blown away! This woman can’t hear but she sure can sing a lot better than me! You can watch the amazing video below.

What an amazing performance even for two women who don’t have issues with hearing or vocal cords! What a wonderful example of overcoming odds.

Shania was very touched by the entire experience. She told ET, “It really warmed my heart to be standing there with someone that really understands loss and the courage that it takes to overcome that loss and to soldier on.”

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Source: Shareably

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