Since Roseanne Barr has now been blacklisted by Hollywood for months with no sign of ever getting back in their good graces, she has nothing to lose when it comes to bashing the liberal elites who call Hollywood home. Barr showed this over the weekend when she reemerged to blast Hollywood star Natalie Portman for her stance against the Israeli government, specifically Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Breitbart reported that though Portman was born in Jerusalem, she has since become a critic of the Israeli government. Barr finds Portman’s attitude “sickening,” as it seems to resemble American liberals who take for granted all the good things the United States has to offer them when they bash our government. Last year, when Portman was honored as the recipient of the Genesis Prize Laureate in Israel, she refused to attend the award ceremony because she “did not want to appear as endorsing Benjamin Netanyahu, who was to be giving a speech at the ceremony.”

“It was really sickening, I find her repulsive. She was raised in the incredible privilege of safety in the Jewish state and knows nothing about anti-Semitism,” said Barr, who is planning to visit Jerusalem later this month. “She’s the darling of the left here, the Jewish left in Hollywood, she is a complete hypocrite who grew up in safety and privilege, like I said before, and knows nothing about what she speaks of.”

Portman’s anti-Israel attitude is all too familiar to Americans given the current climate liberals have created in this country. It’s amazing how ungrateful liberals can become when they are given the privilege of living in a free nation. It’s almost as if the better the quality of life is in their country, the more resentful liberals like Portman become.

We’re glad to see that Barr is using her new position as a Hollywood pariah to call out the hypocrisy coming from liberals in the entertainment industry. Many in Hollywood likely disagree with Portman as well but are too afraid to criticize her lest they be blacklisted themselves. We hope that this is the beginning of Barr calling out more nonsense from the Hollywood left!

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