NBA legends Shaquille O’Neal and Charles Barkley are taking heat for their comments on “Inside the NBA” defending the Louisville police officers involved in the death of Breonna Taylor. 

The candid (and widely unpopular) commentary by the former NBA All-stars came as a surprise to many.

Shaq And Charles Barkley Buck Breonna Taylor Narrative On “Inside The NBA”

A discussion on Thursday’s show centered on a Louisville grand jury’s decision not to file murder or manslaughter charges against police officers for Taylor’s death.

The NBA superstars turned commentators both agreed that the Kentucky’s woman’s death was tragic but not in the same category as the deaths of George Floyd and Ahmaud Arbery.

Floyd died after a Minneapolis police officer knelt on his neck for over nine minutes. Arbery was shot and killed by two men as he simply jogged through a neighborhood. 

Both of them believe this was an absolutely tragic situation but does not belong in discussions of police brutality or racial profiling. 

Related: Shaq Blasts Pro-America Pro-Democracy Message Directed at NBA and China’s “Injustices”

Charles Barkley Defends The Police

“It’s bad a young lady lost her life. But we do have to take into account that her boyfriend did shoot at the cops and shot a cop,” Barkley states in the tweeted video below. “So, like I said, even though I’m really sad she lost her life, I don’t think this is something we can put in the same situation as George Floyd or Ahmaud Arbery.” 

As a deputized Sheriff in both Florida and Georgia, Shaquille O’Neal has a soft spot for law enforcement. He understands their jobs are tough and their intentions are sometimes misconstrued. 

“I have to agree with Charles, this one is sort of lumped in. You have to get a warrant signed and some states do allow no-knock warrants,” Shaquille replies. “And everyone was asking for murder charges. When you talk about murder, you have to show intent. A homicide occurred and we’re sorry a homicide occurred. When you have a warrant signed by the judge, you are doing your job, and I would imagine that you would fire back.”

Who You Going To Call? Ghostbusters?

Later in the show, Sir Charles touched upon the Defund the Police movement being pushed by some elected Democrats.

He spoke honestly and from his heart. Of course, that upset some people. 

“I hear these fools on TV talking about ‘defund the police’ and things like that. We need police reform, prison reform,” Barkley says in the video below.”But you know who’s not going to defund the cops? White neighborhoods and rich neighborhoods. So that notion they keep saying, I’m like, ‘Who are Black people supposed to call? Ghostbusters?'”

Liberals Furious With Shaq And Charles Barkley

Now this sent liberals into a fit on Twitter. They felt entitled to Barkley and Shaq’s opinions, and didn’t like these NBA superstars defending police officers.

As you can see from a small sample of tweets below, speaking honestly from their independent point of view caused some people to hurl racists comments towards these NBA heroes.

It’s disgusting to see liberals use race to insult these NBA legends.

Of course, they knew their comments on “Inside The NBA” would draw criticism. And yet they chose to call it how they see it.

So we applaud Sir Charles and Superman for their courage and candor. 

Let’s hope together they inspire more sports and entertainment celebrities to follow in their footsteps. 

Read next: Charles Barkley Takes A Stand For America – Defends Athletes Who Refuse To Kneel For Anthem

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