Meghan Markle and her husband Prince Harry are being slammed by her estranged father Thomas after they seemingly snubbed the Royal Family once again last week by skipping a memorial for the late Prince Philip. 

Thomas Markle Slams Meghan And Harry

When Queen Elizabeth and her family gathered at Westminster Abbey in London last week for a poignant memorial to Philip, who died last year at the age of 99, Meghan and Harry were noticeably absent.

This did not sit well with Thomas Markle, who said in a video posted to his YouTube channel that there was “no excuse” for Meghan and Harry to miss this service. 

“Attending and giving respect and giving God’s grace to Prince Philip for a lifetime of service was very important to the Queen, and for them to not show up was a slap in the face to the Queen,” Thomas said, according to Daily Mail.

“It was unforgivable. The British people won’t forgive them for that, and they shouldn’t,” he added. 

You can listen to Thomas Markle’s full comments in the video below.

Royal Protection Officer Comments on Harry And Meghan Markle Absence

Though Philip died last year, his funeral was a subdued affair due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and this memorial was meant to give him the send off that he always deserved. 

Considering the significance of the event, Harry and Meghan’s absence rubbed more than just Thomas the wrong way.

Richard Griffin, who was a royal protection officer for Prince Philip for fourteen years, also spoke out against Harry for not attending his own grandfather’s memorial service.

“Prince Philip was their grandfather so William has obviously had a great training from him and is going to learn examples from him,” he said.

“I just hope Harry gets some of these things in his mind,” Griffin continued. “It [Harry not being here] was a big disappointment for everybody. People were talking about it. Certainly around where I was people were saying he should have been here.”

Related: Meghan Markle’s Estranged Father Sends Surprising Message To Queen Elizabeth

‘Pathetic Excuse’

Harry has claimed that he can’t return to the United Kingdom because he doesn’t feel “safe” without his taxpayer-funded security.

Griffin, however, is not having any of that excuse. 

“All this nonsense about how he couldn’t get protection, as far as I’m concerned that was a pathetic excuse. He should’ve been here to honor his grandfather,” he said. “At the end of the day, if he was that worried about security, he could’ve stuck with his brother and father who have got wonderful security and he would have been more than safe.” 

Prince Philip’s memorial was a somber yet poignant affair.

The 95 year-old Queen used a stick as she walked into Westminster Abbey and made her way to her seat for the memorial for the man who she was married to for 73 years.

Though she has been having issues with mobility as of late, she stood for prayer and to sing hymns. The Queen was even seen with tears in her eyes as the congregation sang “Guide Me O Thou Great Redeemer” near the end of the forty minute ceremony. 

Prince William, wife Kate, and his two eldest children all attended the event honoring his late grandfather.

Kate Middleton was once again applauded for her grace and style.

Princess Beatrice, the elder daughter of Prince Andrew and Fergie, broke down during the service.

One can’t help but think that it would have meant the world to Queen Elizabeth if her grandson Harry and Meghan Markle had made the effort to be there for her by attending this service.

He may think he made the right decision now, but it wouldn’t be surprising if he regrets it in the years to come. 

Read next: Meghan Markle’s Father Reveals Why He Refused To Let Doctor Write ‘Black’ On Her Birth Certificate

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