“Mama’s Family” was a skit on a “The Carol Burnett Show” long before it was a syndicated a television show. In the 9th season of the sketch comedy show, there was a death in Mama’s family. Aunt Mae suddenly passed away. Death can be a rather sensitive topic, but this family handled it like they handled everything – by arguing and yelling at each other!

While they were getting ready to go to Aunt Mae’s funeral, Mama laments that she hung up on Aunt Mae when she called. Mae passed away that afternoon while watching TV.

Of course, Mama blamed Eunice and her other children for this. Mama hung up on her sister because she was cleaning the oven. Mama thinks her children should have cleaned the oven so she could have talked to Mae.

Mama keeps going on and on as usual. She eventually, causes a sibling rivalry issue by saying she wants to go in Ellen’s car instead of Eunice’s car. Eunice and Ed were not happy with this insult, especially since they had gone out of their way to pick Mama up for the funeral.

Mama keeps throwing insults as they wait for Ellen and Bruce to arrive in the Cadillac that she wants to be seen riding in during the funeral procession. She also comes up with a plan to cut Eunice and Ed completely out of the procession in the video below!

That had to be one of the most poisonous mother-daughter relationships in the history of television! Poor Ed was caught in the middle of it too! Carol Burnett and Vicki Lawrence performed together in a lot of skits, but their roles as Mama and Eunice are ones that we will always remember!

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