Kim Kardashian spoke out this week to slam cancel culture, saying that even though there’s always a risk that she’ll be cancelled, the estranged wife of iconoclast Kanye West doesn’t have time to care what every single internet user’s opinion of her is.
Looking in the mirror, I am really proud of the woman looking back today in the reflection.
For anyone who doesn’t know my law school journey, know this wasn’t easy or handed to me.
— Kim Kardashian (@KimKardashian) December 13, 2021
Kim Kardashian: ‘I Think Cancel Culture Is The Most Ridiculous Things’
“I would never be me,” she explained to Fox News. “That’s why I think cancel culture is the most ridiculous thing, because I really do believe in rehabilitation and freedom of speech. I’ve never really been into cancel culture.”
“I believe that if we cancel someone for something that they had done or said in their past, then we’re not inviting them into the conversation to really understand,” Kardashian added. “It depends on the situation. You might not care if it’s absolutely ridiculous. But it’s a fine line. It’s what you were asking in the original question: When do you let something go? And when do you have thick skin and not care what people say about you?”
Related: Madonna Calls Out Cancel Culture, Adds That Censorship Is “Pretty Frightening”
Kim Kardashian Doesn’t Care About Fame Anymore
Kardashian went on to say that she doesn’t care about fame anymore like she used to.
“The more that I don’t care about fame, the less I care to correct people,” she said. “I don’t really care what people think about me, but there’s some times where I say, ‘OK, I completely understand how you would feel like this is disrespectful, and I will absolutely change this.’”
“I always own up to the mistakes that I make and I try not to make them again,” Kardashian continued. “That’s just how I live my life. But I think if you don’t have these conversations with people, how are they ever going to change something that isn’t right?”
Kim Kardashian Regrets Telling Kanye West Not To Wear MAGA Hat
In this same interview, Kim Kardashian revealed that despite being anti- cancel culture, she had tried to get her ex Kanye West not to wear a red MAGA hat during a 2018 “Saturday Night Live” performance.
Read also: Kanye West Opens Up About Supporting Trump Publicly – ‘I’m A Black Guy With A Red [MAGA] Hat’
With her new outlook these days, however, Kardashian seems to have had a change of heart.
“I was very nervous. I didn’t want him to wear the red hat. I’m not really a rule-breaker,” she said. “I remember other people were around and it became a thing where he wasn’t going to go on because he wanted to be who he is.”
“I’m very neutral, but that night I was very forceful with him, and argued with him like, ‘You have to take that hat off,'” she added. “And now looking back, I think, why should he take that off if that’s what he believes in? Why can’t he wear that on TV? Half of the country voted for him, so clearly other people like him.”
She’s ‘Learned A Lot’ From This
In the end, Kardashian said that she “learned a lot” from that situation.
“No matter what, it taught me to be a little bit more empathetic for people that just want to do what they want to do: freedom of speech!” she said. “And if you want to wear the hat, wear the hat. I respect the fact that he knew exactly what he believed in and always stood by that.”
“To me, that’s a good quality to have, no matter who is against you and no matter what the circumstances are,” Kardashian concluded. “I think that it’s just admirable and it’s just a really cool quality. Even if it’s not what I agree with, or even if I would have done it differently, I think it’s commendable.”
Kim Kardashian and Kanye West split earlier this year. Together they have four children: North, Chicago, Saint, and Psalm.
Millions of Americans will certainly applaud Kim Kardashian’s take on cancel culture and freedom of speech.
Contrary to the image Kim projected to the world on “Keeping With The Kardashians,” it seems that she really does have a good head on her shoulders!
Related: ‘Dynasty’ Star Joan Collins Blasts ‘Morons’ Behind Cancel Culture – ‘I Don’t Want To Engage’