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Kim Kardashian cancel culture freedom of speech Kanye West MAGA hat
December 16, 2021
Kim Kardashian is taking a stand for “freedom of speech” as she rips into modern cancel culture and reconsiders Kanye West’s MAGA hat.
Brandeis University
June 24, 2021
Brandeis University wants students to ditch words like “rule of thumb,” “spirit animal,” and “trigger warning” because they are offensive.
Sharon Osbourne Piers Morgan
March 12, 2021
Sharon Osbourne apologized after first defending Piers Morgan on ‘The Talk;’ Morgan responded with outrage suggesting she was forced into it.
Matthew McConaughey Piers Morgan free speech cancel culture illberals
December 16, 2020
Actor Matthew McConaughey champions free speech and smacks down cancel culture and the radical left in a new interview with Piers Morgan.
first amendment
August 6, 2018
The First Amendment sets the United States apart from the rest of the world, but an alarming number of Americans cannot name a single right it guarantees.